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No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the publisher. Published by Tawid Publications B. Gonzales St. Moran Milagros P. Valdez, language reader Coordinator: Evelyn F.

Cabanban Cover Design: Rowena E. The 20th century music styles and characteristic features. Creates musical pieces using a particular style of the 20th century. Listens perceptively to selected 20th century music. Describes distinctive musical elements of given pieces in 20th century styles. Relates 20th century music to its historical and cultural background. Sings melodic fragments of given Impressionism period pieces.

Explores other arts and media that portray 20th century elements through video films or live performances. Creates short electronic and chance music pieces using knowledge of 20th century styles.

These new styles were: impressionism, expressionism, neo-classicism, avant garde music, and modern nationalism. The distinct musical styles of the 20th century would not have developed if not for the musical genius of individual composers such as Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Arnold Schoenberg, Bela Bartok, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofieff, and George Gershwin stand out as the moving forces behind the innovative and experimental styles mentioned above.

Coming from different nations—France, Austria, Hungary, Russia, and the United States— these composers clearly reflected the growing globalization of musical styles in the 20th century.

It is a French movement in the late 19th and early 20th century. The sentimental melodies and dramatic emotionalism of the preceding Romantic Period their themes and melody are easy to recognize and enjoy were being replaced in favor of moods and impressions. There is an extensive use of colors and effects, vague melodies, and innovative chords and progressions leading to mild dissonances.

Sublime moods and melodic suggestions replaced highly expressive and program music, or music that contained visual imagery. With this trend came new combinations of extended chords, harmonies, whole tone, chromatic scales, and pentatonic scales.

Impressionism was an attempt not to depict reality, but merely to suggest it. It was meant to create an emotional mood rather than a specific picture. In terms of imagery, impressionistic forms were translucent and hazy, as if trying to see through a rain-drenched window.

In impressionism, the sounds of different chords overlapped lightly with each other to produce new subtle musical colors. Chords did not have a definite order and a sense of clear resolution. Other features include the lack of a tonic-dominant relationship which normally gives the feeling of finality to a piece, moods and textures, harmonic vagueness about the structure of certain chords, and use of the whole-tone scale. Most of the impressionist works centered on nature and its beauty, lightness, and brilliance.

A number of outstanding impressionists created works on this subject. Both had developed a particular style of composing adopted by many 20th century composers. He was the primary exponent of the impressionist movement and the focal point for other impressionist composers.

He changed the course of musical development by dissolving traditional rules and conventions into a new language of possibilities in harmony, rhythm, form, texture, and color. Debussy was born in St. Germain-en-Laye in France on August 22, His early musical talents were channeled into piano lessons.

He entered the Paris Conservatory in He gained a reputation as an erratic pianist and a rebel in theory and harmony. He added other systems of musical composition because of his musical training. Music of the 20th Century The creative style of Debussy was characterized by his unique approach to the various musical elements. From the East, he was fascinated by the Javanese gamelan that he had heard at the Paris Exposition. The gamelan is an ensemble with bells, gongs, xylophone, and occasional vocal parts which he later used in his works to achieve a new sound.

Most of his close friends were painters and poets who significantly influenced his compositions. Debussy spent the remaining years of his life as a critic, composer, and performer.

He entered the Paris Conservatory at the age of 14 where he studied with the eminent French composer Gabriel Faure. The compositional style of Ravel is mainly characterized by its uniquely innovative but not atonal style of harmonic treatment. It is defined with intricate and sometimes modal melodies and extended chordal components. It demands considerable technical virtuosity from the performer which is the character, ability, or skill of a virtuoso—a person who excels in musical technique or execution.

The harmonic progressions and modulations are not only musically satisfying but also pleasantly dissonant and elegantly sophisticated. His refined delicacy and color, contrasts and effects add to the difficulty in the proper execution of the musical passages.

These are extensively used in his works of a programmatic nature, wherein visual imagery is either suggested or portrayed. Many of his works deal with water in its flowing or stormy moods as well as with human characterizations.

Ravel was a perfectionist and every bit a musical craftsman. He strongly adhered to the classical form, specifically its ternary structure.

A strong advocate of Russian music, he also admired the music of Chopin, Liszt, Schubert, and Mendelssohn. He died in Paris in While their musical works sound quite similar in terms of their harmonic and textural characteristics, the two differed greatly in their personalities and approach to music.

Whereas Debussy was more spontaneous and liberal in form, Ravel was very attentive to the classical norms of musical structure and the compositional craftsmanship. Whereas Debussy was more casual in his portrayal of visual imagery, Ravel was more formal and exacting in the development of his motive ideas. He taught himself music theory, but took lessons in counterpoint. From the early influences of Wagner, his tonal preference gradually turned to the dissonant and atonal, as he explored the use of chromatic harmonies.

Although full of melodic and lyrical interest, his music is also extremely complex, creating heavy demands on the listener. His works were met with extreme reactions, either strong hostility from the general public or enthusiastic acclaim from his supporters. Schoenberg is credited with the establishment of the twelve-tone system. His musical compositions total more or less which include concerti, orchestral music, piano music, operas, choral music, songs, and other instrumental music.

He was born in Oranienbaum now Lomonosov , Russia on June 17, He added a new ingredient to his nationalistic musical style. The Rite of Spring was another outstanding work. A new level of dissonance was reached and the sense of tonality was practically abandoned. Asymmetrical rhythms successfully portrayed the character of a solemn pagan rite. When he left the country for the United States in , Stravinsky slowly turned his back on Russian nationalism and cultivated his neo-classical style.

Stravinsky adapted the forms of the 18th century with his contemporary style of writing. Other outstanding works include the ballet Petrouchka , featuring shifting rhythms and polytonality, a signature device of the composer. He died in New York City on April 6, New sounds are synthesized from old ones by juxtaposing two simple events to create a more complex new event. Primitivism has links to Exoticism through the use of materials from other cultures, Nationalism through the use of materials indigenous to specific countries, and Ethnicism through the use of materials from European ethnic groups.

Two well-known proponents of this style were Stravinsky and Bela Bartok. It eventually evolved into Neo-classicism. He started piano lessons with his mother and later entered Budapest Royal Academy of Music in He was a concert pianist as he travelled exploring the music of Hungarian peasants.

In , with his fellow composer Kodaly, Bartok published his first collection of 20 Hungarian folk songs. For the next decade, although his music was being badly received in his country, he continued to explore Magyar folk songs. Later, he resumed his career as a concert pianist, while composing several works for his own use. As a neo-classicist, primitivist, and nationalist composer, Bartok used Hungarian folk themes and rhythms.

He also utilized changing meters and strong syncopations. His compositions were successful because of their rich melodies and lively rhythms. He admired the musical styles of Liszt, Strauss, Debussy, and Stravinsky. He eventually shed their influences in favor of Hungarian folk and peasant themes. These later became a major source of the themes of his works.

Bartok is most famous for his Six String Quartets — It represents the greatest achievement of his creative life, spanning a full 30 years for their completion. The six works combine difficult and dissonant music with mysterious sounds. The short and popular Allegro Barbaro for solo piano is punctuated with swirling rhythms and percussive chords, while Mikrokosmos — , a set of six books containing progressive technical piano pieces, introduced and familiarized the piano student with contemporary harmony and rhythm.

His musical compositions total more or less which include concerti, orchestral music, piano music, instrumental music, dramatic music, choral music, and songs. It was, in essence, a partial return to an earlier style of writing, particularly the tightly-knit form of the Classical period, while combining tonal harmonies with slight dissonances.

It also adopted a modern, freer use of the seven-note diatonic scale. In this latter piece, the classical three-movement format is combined with ever-shifting time signatures, complex but exciting rhythmic patterns, as well as harmonic dissonances that produce harsh chords. His style is uniquely recognizable for its progressive technique, pulsating rhythms, melodic directness, and a resolving dissonance. Born in the Ukraine in , Prokofieff set out for the St.

Petersburg Conservatory equipped with his great talent as a composer and pianist. His early compositions were branded as avant garde and were not approved of by his elders, he continued to follow his stylistic path as he fled to other places for hopefully better acceptance of his creativity. His contacts with Diaghilev and Stravinsky gave him the chance to write music for the ballet and opera, notably the ballet Romeo and Juliet and the opera War and Peace.

He became prolific in writing symphonies, chamber music, concerti, and solo instrumental music. He also wrote Peter and the Wolf, a lighthearted orchestral work intended for children, to appease the continuing government crackdown on avant garde composers at the time.

He was highly successful in his piano music, as evidenced by the wide acceptance of his piano concerti and sonatas, featuring toccata-like rhythms and biting harmonic dissonance within a classical form and structure. Other significant compositions include the Symphony no. He also composed violin sonatas, some of which are also performed on the flute, two highly regarded violin concerti, and two string quartets inspired by Beethoven. He died in Moscow on March 15, His compositions had a coolly elegant modernity, tempered by a classical sense of proportion.

Poulenc was also fond of the witty approach of Satie, as well as the early neo-classical works of Stravinsky. Poulenc was a successful composer for piano, voice, and choral music. His output included the harpsichord concerto, known as Concert Champetre ; the Concerto for Two Pianos , which combined the classical touches of Mozart with a refreshing mixture of wit and exoticism in the style of Ravel; and a Concerto for Solo Piano written for the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

His opera works included Les Mamelles de Tiresias , which revealed his light-hearted character; Dialogues des Carmelites , which highlighted his conservative writing style; and La Voix Humane , which reflected his own turbulent emotional life. He died in Paris on January 30, Louis Durey — used traditional ways of composing and wrote in his own, personal way, not wanting to follow form.

Arthur Honegger — liked chamber music and the symphony. His popular piece Pacific describes a train journey on the Canadian Pacific Railway. Darius Milhaud — was a very talented composer who wrote in several different styles.

Some of his music uses bitonality and polytonality writing in two or more keys at the same time. His love of jazz can be heard in popular pieces like Le Boeuf sur le Toit which he called a cinema-symphony. Germaine Tailleferre — was the only female in the group. She liked to use dance rhythms. She loved children and animals and wrote many works about them. She also wrote operas, concerti, and many works for the piano.

The avant garde style exhibited a new attitude toward musical mobility, whereby the order of note groups could be varied so that musical continuity could be altered. Improvisation was a necessity in this style, for the musical scores were not necessarily followed as written. For example, one could expect a piece to be read by a performer from left to right or vice versa. Or the performer might turn the score over, and go on dabbling indefinitely in whatever order before returning to the starting point.

Through their works, these composers truly extended the boundaries of what music was thought to be in earlier periods. The unconventional methods of sound and form, as well as the absence of traditional rules governing harmony, melody, and rhythm, make the whole concept of avant garde music still so strange to ears accustomed to traditional compositions.

His older brother Ira was his artistic collaborator who wrote the lyrics of his songs. His first song was written in and his first Broadway musical La La Lucille in He also composed Rhapsody in Blue and An American in Paris , which incorporated jazz rhythms with classical forms. His opera Porgy and Bess remains to this day the onlyAmerican opera to be included in the established repertory of this genre.

In spite of his commercial success, Gershwin was more fascinated with classical music. His musical compositions total around which include orchestral music, chamber music, musical theatre, film musicals, operas, and songs.

He died in Hollywood, California, U. His big break came when he was asked to substitute for the ailing Bruno Walter in conducting the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in a concert on November 14, The overnight success of this event started his reputation as a great interpreter of the classics as well as of the more complex works of Gustav Mahler.

This came under fire from the radical young musicians who espoused the serialist principles of that time. Although he never relinquished his musical values as a composer, he later turned to conducting and lecturing in order to safeguard his principles as to what he believed was best in music.

He achieved pre-eminence in two fields: conducting and composing for Broadway musicals, dance shows, and concert music. Bernstein is best known for his compositions for the stage. Foremost among these is the musical West Side Story , an American version of Romeo and Juliet, which displays a tuneful, off-beat, and highly atonal approach to the songs. Other outputs include another Broadway hit Candide and the much-celebrated Mass , which he wrote for the opening of the John F.

His musical compositions total around He explored the territories of ballet, opera, theater, film, and even television jingles. His distinctive style involves cell-like phrases emanating from bright electronic sounds from the keyboard that progressed very slowly from one pattern to the next in a very repetitious fashion. Aided by soothing vocal effects and horn sounds, his music is often criticized as uneventful and shallow, yet startlingly effective for its hypnotic charm.

In Paris, he became inspired by the music of the renowned Indian sitarist Ravi Shankar. He formed the Philip Glass Ensemble and produced works such as Music in Similar Motion and Music in Changing Parts , which combined rock- type grooves with perpetual patterns played at extreme volumes.

Glass collaborated with theater conceptualist Robert Wilson to produce the four-hour opera Einstein on the Beach , an instant sell-out at the New York Metropolitan Opera House. It put minimalism in the mainstream of 20th century music. Here, he combined his signature repetitive and overlapping style with theatrical grandeur on stage.

However, this common ground stopped there, for the different breeds of nationalists formed their own styles of writing. In Eastern Europe, prominent figures included the Hungarian Bela Bartok and the Russian Sergei Prokofieff, who were neo-classicists to a certain extent. Bartok infused Classical techniques into his own brand of cross rhythms and shifting meters to demonstrate many barbaric and primitive themes that were Hungarian—particularly gypsy—in origin.

Prokofieff used striking dissonances and Russian themes, and his music was generally witty, bold, and at times colored with humor. Together with Bartok, Prokofieff made extensive use of polytonality, a kind of atonality that uses two or more tonal centers simultaneously. Presently, modern technology and gadgets put a great impact on all types of music. However, what still remains to be seen is when this trend will shift, and what the distinct qualities of emerging classical works will be.

SUMMARY T he early half of the 20th century also gave rise to new musical styles, which were not quite as extreme as the electronic, chance, and minimalist styles that arose later. These new styles were impressionism, expressionism, neo-classicism, avant garde music, and modern nationalism. Impressionism made use of the whole-tone scale. It also applied suggested, rather than depicted, reality. It created a mood rather than a definite picture. It had a translucent and hazy texture; lacking a dominant-tonic relationship.

It made use of overlapping chords, with 4th, 5th, octaves, and 9th intervals, resulting in a non-traditional harmonic order and resolution. It used atonality and the twelve-tone scale, lacking stable and conventional harmonies. It served as a medium for expressing strong emotions, such as anxiety, rage, and alienation. Neo-classicism was a partial return to a classical form of writing music with carefully modulated dissonances.

It made use of a freer seven-note diatonic scale. The avant garde style was associated with electronic music and dealt with the parameters or dimensions of sound in space.

It made use of variations of self-contained note groups to change musical continuity, and improvisation, with an absence of traditional rules on harmony, melody, and rhythm. Modern nationalism is a looser form of 20th century music development focused on nationalist composers and musical innovators who sought to combine modern techniques with folk materials.

Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel were the primary exponents of impressionism, while Arnold Schoenberg was the primary exponent of expressionism, with the use of the twelve-tone scale and atonality. Bela Bartok was a neo-classical, modern nationalist, and a primitivist composer who adopted Hungarian folk themes to introduce rhythms with changing meters and heavy syncopation.

Igor Stravinsky was also an expressionist and a neo-classical composer. He incorporated nationalistic elements in his music, known for his skillful handling of materials and his rhythmic inventiveness. Which Russian composer created the music for the ballet The Firebird? Who is considered the foremost impressionist? What kind of musical style is attributed to Schoenberg and Stravinsky? Write your answers in the table below. Some of these were short-lived, being experimental and too radical in nature, while others found an active blend between the old and the new.

Synthesizer New inventions and discoveries of science and technology lead to continuing developments in the field of music. Technology has produced electronic music devices such as cassette tape recorders, compact discs and their variants, the video compact disc VCD and the digital video disc DVD , MP3, MP4, ipod, iphone, karaoke players, mobile phones and synthesizers. These devices are used for creating and recording music to add to or to replace acoustical sounds.

Music that uses the tape recorder is called musique concrete, or concrete music. The composer records different sounds that are heard in the environment such as the bustle of traffic, the sound of the wind, the barking of dogs, the strumming of a guitar, or the cry of an infant. These sounds are arranged by the composer in different ways like by playing the tape recorder in its fastest mode or in reverse. In musique concrete, the composer is able to experiment with different sounds that cannot be produced by regular musical instruments such as the piano or the violin.

The musical compositions of Varese are characterized by an emphasis on timbre and rhythm. Although his complete surviving works are scarce, he has been recognized to have influenced several major composers of the late 20th century. He died on November 6, Born in Cologne, Germany, he had the opportunity to meet Messiaen, Schoenberg, and Webern, the principal innovators at the time. Together with Pierre Boulez, Stockhausen drew inspiration from these composers as he developed his style of total serialism.

Still, he continued to experiment with musique concrete. Some of his works include Gruppen , a piece for three orchestras that moved music through time and space; Kontakte , a work that pushed the tape machine to its limits; and the epic Hymnen , an ambitious two-hour work of 40 juxtaposed songs and anthems from around the world.

His recent Helicopter String Quartet, in which a string quartet performs whilst airborne in four different helicopters, develops his long-standing fascination with music which moves in space. It has led him to dream of concert halls in which the sound attacks the listener from every direction.

He presently resides in Germany. STUDY II Excerpt Karlheinz Stockhausen Chance Music C hance music refers to a style wherein the piece always sounds different at every performance because of the random techniques of production, including the use of ring modulators or natural elements that become a part of the music.

Most of the sounds emanate from the surroundings, both natural and man-made, such as honking cars, rustling leaves, blowing wind, dripping water, or a ringing phone. As such, the combination of external sounds cannot be duplicated as each happens by chance.

The audience hears a variety of noises inside and outside the concert hall amidst the seeming silence. He was born in Los Angeles, California, USA on September 5, and became one of the most original composers in the history of western music. He challenged the very idea of music by manipulating musical instruments in order to achieve new sounds. His involvement with Zen Buddhism inspired him to compose Music of Changes , written for conventional piano, that employed chance compositional processes.

The work was intended to convey the impossibility of achieving total silence, since surrounding sounds can still be heard amidst the silence of the piano performance. Cage also advocated bringing real-life experiences into the concert hall. This reached its extreme when he composed a work that required him to fry mushrooms on stage in order to derive the sounds from the cooking process.

As a result of his often irrational ideas like this, he developed a following in the s. However, he gradually returned to the more organized methods of composition in the last 20 years of his life. More than any other modern composer, Cage influenced the development of modern music since the s.

He was considered more of a musical philosopher than a composer. His conception of what music can and should be has had a profound impact upon his contemporaries. He was active as a writer presenting his musical views with both wit and intelligence. Cage was an important force in other artistic areas especially dance and musical theater. Cage died in New York City on August 12, They experimented with the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, tempo, and timbre in daring ways never attempted before.

Some even made use of electronic devices such as synthesizers, tape recorders, amplifiers, and the like to introduce and enhance sounds beyond those available with traditional instruments. Among the resulting new styles were electronic music and chance music.

These expanded the concept of music far beyond the conventions of earlier periods, and challenged both the new composers and the listening public. As the 20th century progressed, so did the innovations in musical styles as seen in the works of these composers. From the United States, there was John Cage with his truly unconventional composition techniques.

What are some of the new musical approaches of Cage? What is meant by musique concrete used by Stockhausen? Give an example of a musical work by Varese, Stockhausen, and Cage. Listen carefully to each excerpt and be able to recognize the distinct musical style of each composer. Choose a composition that you like.

Write a short reaction paper on it. The class will be divided into four teams, with each team forming a line. As your teacher plays a few measures of the first excerpt, the first student in each line goes to the board and writes the name of the composer. The second student will write the title of the music. The third student will write the musical style. Then, the fourth student will write a description of the music in one phrase. The team that writes the correct answers first scores four 4 points.

The same procedure goes on until all the students in the line have had their turn. One student will be assigned as the scorer. The team with the highest score is the winner. In case of a tie, the first team to finish is the winner. The scorer will announce the winners and then ask them this question: What was the most significant thing that you have learned from this activity? Chance Music — Put small items inside a bag. Include coins, pens, pins, small bells, and other articles with percussive sounds.

Put the items back in the bag, and unload the same while once again recording the sounds being produced. Note the changes between the two sets of sounds recorded. Electronic Music — Create short electronic music pieces using your knowledge of 20th century musical styles.

Music of the 20th Century B. Performance Activity 2: Original Chance and Electronic Music Rate scores are based on the elements of music such as rhythm, melodic appeal, harmony and texture, tempo and dynamics, timbre, and overall musical structure. The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will create an original five-minute performance of Chance Music and Electronic Music if available to be performed in class. Those who are not performing will act as judges for the performance evaluation.

Judges will display a score card after evaluating the performance. One student may be assigned to tabulate the scores after the performance. What was the role of the audience in the performance of Chance music? Explain your answers. You will be divided into four groups by counting off from 1 to 4. Create and explore other arts multi- media that portray 20th century musical style chance, electronic, jazz, avant garde through a minute video clip or MTV using your digital cameras or mobile phones.

Show and discuss your video works in class. Watch live performances of musical concerts, if available in your area or watch live concerts recorded on TV.

Re-enact in class what you watched. Make a minute audio video presentation while you re-enact what you have seen on live concerts and on TV. Your teacher will play several musical excerpts of selected 20th century composers and will briefly discuss the title, composer, musical style, and brief description of how he or she feels about the music.

Sing or hum some melodic fragments portion only of any of the following excerpts of 20th century music, together with the recordings: a. Any work of minimalist composers, Philip Glass or Meredith Monk f. Any work of nationalist composers, Erik Satie or Bela Bartok. Based on the melodic fragments of the excerpts that you sang or hummed, you should be able to aurally identify the different selected works of the composers of the 20th century.

Submit it in class next meeting. After the above singing or humming activity, your teacher will prepare a box containing slips of paper with the names of Debussy, Ravel, Gershwin, Bernstein, Glass, Monk, Satie, and Bartok written on them. Each group will choose four representatives who will be assigned as contestants. The group with the highest number of points wins the contest. Write a reaction paper explaining the following elements of the performance: a. Setting b. Musical compositions c.

Role of composer and lyricist d. Role of performers actors, actresses e. Role of audience yourself 34 All rights reserved. Music of the 20th Century f. Sound and musical direction g. Props, costumes, lighting 4. Did you like what you watched? Why or why not? You may opt to do this as an individual or group activity. Groups will be divided into four. You will be asked to draw lots for the song to sing. Sing and perform the song in class with or without accompaniment. You may also sing with the recordings.

Class Concert — Live Performance a. You will be grouped into two. You choose your group if you will be doing the following: singing, dancing, choreography, musical directing, playing an instrument either as accompaniment to the song or dance or solo performance or as a band.

Use props and costumes, if needed. Perform the concert in class in your own original interpretation of the songs from West Side Story. You will be grouped into two and you will choose your group members.

Record the performance of your classmates using a cassette recorder or make a music video using your cellular phone, digital camera, or video camera 35 All rights reserved.

How well did I perform the songs from West Side Story? How well can I describe the characteristics of each through listening to their melody, harmony, rhythm, text, and mass appeal? How well did I participate in the performance of the different activities? Characteristic features of Afro-Latin American music and Popular music. Performs vocal and dance forms of Afro-Latin American music and selections of Popular music. Observes dance styles, instruments, and rhythms of Afro Latin American and popular music through video, movies and live performances.

Describes the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin American and popular music. Listens perceptively to Afro-Latin American and popular music. Dances to different selected styles of Afro-Latin American and popular music. Analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American and popular music. Sings selections of Afro-Latin American and popular music in appropriate pitch, rhythm, style, and expression.

Explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of sources suitable to chosen vocal and instrumental selections. Choreographs a chosen dance music. Evaluates music and music performances using knowledge of musical elements and style.

Singing, dancing, hand clapping and the beating of drums are essential to many African ceremonies, including those for birth, death, initiation, marriage, and funerals. Music and dance are also important to religious expression and political events. However, because of its wide influences on global music that has permeated contemporary American, Latin American, and European styles, there has been a growing interest in its own cultural heritage and musical sources.

Of particular subjects of researches are its rhythmic structures and spiritual characteristics that have led to the birth of jazz forms. African music has been a collective result from the cultural and musical diversity of the more than 50 countries of the continent. The organization of this continent is a colonial legacy from European rule of the different nations up to the end of the 19 th century, whose vastness has enabled it to incorporate its music with language, environment, political developments, immigration, and cultural diversity.

Others are work related or social in nature, while many traditional societies view their music as entertainment. It has a basically interlocking structural format, due mainly to its overlapping and dense textural characteristics as well as its rhythmic complexity. Its many sources of stylistic influence have produced varied characteristics and genres.

Apala Akpala Apala is a musical genre from Nigeria in the Yoruba tribal style to wake up the worshippers after fasting during the Muslim holy feast of Ramadan. Percussion instrumentation includes the rattle sekere , thumb piano agidigbo , bell agogo , and two or three talking drums. Yoruba Apala Musicians 38 All rights reserved. It fuses the Afro- Caribbean styles of the marcha, reggae, and calypso. Jit Jit is a hard and fast percussive Zimbabwean dance music played on drums with guitar accompaniment, influenced by mbira-based guitar styles.

Jive Jive is a popular form of South African music featuring a lively and uninhibited variation of the jitterbug, a form of swing dance. Juju Juju is a popular music style from Nigeria that relies on the traditional Yoruba rhythms, where the instruments in Juju are more Western in origin. A drum kit, keyboard, pedal steel guitar, and accordion are used along with the traditional dun-dun talking drum or squeeze drum.

In this dance style, the hips move back and forth while the arms move following the hips. Marabi Marabi is a South African three-chord township music of the ss which evolved into African Jazz. Possessing a keyboard style combining American jazz, ragtime and blues with African roots, it is characterized by simple chords in varying vamping patterns and repetitive harmony over an extended period of time to allow the dancers more time on the dance floor.

It refers to a particular music style that was strongly influenced by traditional mento and calypso music, as well as American jazz, and rhythm and blues. The most recognizable musical elements of reggae are its offbeat rhythm and staccato chords. It comprises various musical genres including the Cuban son montuno, guaracha, chachacha, mambo and bolero. It is a lively and rhythmical dance and music with three steps to every bar, making the Samba feel like a timed dance. There is a set 4of dances—rather than a single dance—that define the Samba dancing scene in Brazil.

Were This is Muslim music performed often as a wake-up call for early breakfast and prayers during Ramadan celebrations. Relying on pre-arranged music, it fuses the African and European music styles with particular usage of the natural harmonic series. It has a pulsating beat supplied by the gwo ka and tambour bele drums, a tibwa rhythmic pattern played on the rim of the snare drum and its hi-hat, rhythm guitar, a horn section, and keyboard synthesizers.

Maracatu dance Musical instruments used in Maracatu The Maracatu uses mostly percussion instruments such as the alfaia, tarol and caixa-de- guerra, gongue, agbe, and miniero. The alfaia is a large wooden drum that is rope-tuned, complemented by the tarol which is a shallow snare drum and the caixa-de-guerra which is a war-like snare. Providing the clanging sound is the gongue, a metal cowbell. Afro-Latin American and Popular Music Blues The blues is a musical form of the late 19th century that has had deep roots in African- American communities.

The slaves and their descendants used to sing as they worked in the cotton and vegetable fields. The notes of the blues create an expressive and soulful sound. The feelings that are evoked are normally associated with slight degrees of misfortune, lost love, frustration, or loneliness.

From ecstatic joy to deep sadness, the blues can communicate various emotions more effectively than other musical forms. It originated in the United States. It combines elements of African-American gospel music, rhythm and blues, and often jazz. The catchy rhythms are accompanied by handclaps and extemporaneous body moves which are among its important features. Some important innovators whose recordings in the s contributed to the emergence of soul music included Clyde McPhatter, Hank Ballard, and Etta James.

This musical form became their outlet to vent their loneliness and anger, and is a result of the interaction of music and religion from Africa with that of America. The texts are mainly religious, sometimes taken from psalms of Biblical passages, while the music utilizes deep bass voices.

The vocal inflections, Negro accents, and dramatic dynamic changes add to the musical interest and effectiveness of the performance. Call and Response The call and response method is a succession of two distinct musical phrases usually rendered by different musicians, where the second phrase acts as a direct commentary on or response to the first. Much like the question and answer sequence in human communication, it also forms a strong resemblance to the verse-chorus form in many vocal compositions.

Which African music is usually heard on the radios today? Among the types of African music, which is usually known as a type of music that has originated from Brazil? Which type of music was popularized by Bob Marley?

What are the different musical instruments included in the maracatu? Classification of Traditional African Instruments A. Idiophones These are percussion instruments that are either struck with a mallet or against one another. Balafon - The balafon is a West African xylophone. It is a pitched percussion instrument with bars made from logs or bamboo. The xylophone is originally an Asian instrument that follows the structure of a piano. It came from Madagascar to Africa, then to the Americas and Europe.

Rattles - Rattles are made of seashells, tin, basketry, animal hoofs, horn, wood, metal bells, cocoons, palm kernels, or tortoise shells. These rattling vessels may range from single to several objects that are either joined or suspended in such a way as they hit each other. Agogo - The agogo is a single bell or multiple bells that had its origins in traditional Yoruba music and also in the samba baterias percussion ensembles. Atingting Kon - These are slit gongs used to communicate between villages.

In certain cases, their sound could carry for miles through the forest and even across water to neighboring islands. Slit drum - The slit drum is a hollow percussion instrument. Although known as a drum, it is not a true drum but is an idiophone. It is usually carved or constructed from bamboo or wood into a box with one or more slits in the top. If the resultant tongues are different in width or thicknesses, the drum will produce two different pitches. Djembe - The West Africandjembe pronounced zhem-bay is one of the best-known African drums is.

It is shaped like a large goblet and played with bare hands. The body is carved from a hollowed trunk and is covered in goat skin. Log drums come in different shapes and sizes as well: tubular drums, bowl-shaped drums, and friction drums. Some have one head, others have two heads. The bigger the drum, the lower the tone or pitch. The more tension in the drum head, the higher the tone produced. These drums are played using hands or sticks or both; and sometimes have rattling metal and jingles attached to the outside or seeds and beads placed inside the drum.

They are sometimes held under the armpit or with a sling. Shekere - The shekere is a type of gourd and shell megaphonefrom West Africa, consisting of a dried gourd with beads woven into a net covering the gourd.

Theagbe is another gourd drum with cowrie shells usually strung with white cotton thread. The axatse is a small gourd, held by the neck and placed between hand and leg. Gourd shekere 8. Rasp - A rasp, or scraper, is a hand percussion instrument whose sound is produced by scraping the notches on a piece of wood sometimes elaborately carved with a stick, creating a series of rattling effects. Antique wooden rasp 46 All rights reserved. Membranophones Membranophones are instruments which have vibrating animal membranes used in drums.

Their shapes may be conical, cylindrical, barrel, hour-glass, globular, or kettle, and are played with sticks, hands, or a combination of both. African drums are usually carved from a single wooden log, and may also be made from ceramics, gourds, tin cans, and oil drums.

Examples of these are found in the different localities — entenga Ganda , dundun Yoruba , atumpan Akan , and ngoma Shona , while some are constructed with wooden staves and hoops. Body percussion - Africans frequently use their bodies as musical instruments.

Aside from their voices, where many of them are superb singers, the body also serves as a drum as people clap their hands, slap their thighs, pound their upper arms or chests, or shuffle their feet. This body percussion creates exciting rhythms which also stir them to action. Moreover, the wearing of rattles or bells on their wrists, ankles, arms, and waists enhances their emotional response. Talking drum - The talking drum is used to send messages to announce births, deaths, marriages, sporting events, dances, initiation, or war.

Sometimes it may also contain gossip or jokes. It is believed that the drums can carry direct messages to the spirits after the death of a loved one. However, learning to play messages on drums is extremely difficult, resulting in its waning popularity. An example of the talking drum is the luna.

Luna 47 All rights reserved. Lamellaphone One of the most popular African percussion instruments is the lamellaphone, which is a set of plucked tongues or keys mounted on a sound board. It is known by different names according to the regions such as mbira, karimba, kisaanj, and likembe. Mbira hand piano or thumb piano - The thumb piano or finger xylophone is of African origin and is used throughout the continent.

It consists of a wooden board with attached staggered metal tines a series of wooden, metal, or rattan tongues , plus an additional resonator to increase its volume. It is played by holding the instrument in the hands and plucking the tines with the thumbs, producing a soft plucked sound.

Chordophones Chordophones are instruments which produce sounds from the vibration of strings. These include bows, harps, lutes, zithers, and lyres of various sizes. Musical bow - The musical bow is the ancestor of all string instruments. It is the oldest and one of the most widely-used string instruments of Africa. It consists of a single string attached to each end of a curved stick, similar to a bow and arrow. The string is either plucked or struck with another stick, producing a per-cussive yet delicate sound.

The earth bow, the mouth bow, and the resonator-bow are the principal types of musical bows. The earth bow, ground bow, or pit harp consist of a hole in the ground, a piece of flexible wood and a piece of chord. The musician plucks the taut string to accompany his singing. When the half gourd is not buried, the performer holds the instrument very tightly under his knee flat side down, so that the chord puts enough tension on the wood to bend it into the shape of a hunting bow.

Afro-Latin American and Popular Music A more advanced form of ground bow is made from a log, half a gourd, a flat piece of wood, and cord.

The wooden strip is driven firmly into one end of the log and the half gourd is fastened to the log about 2 feet away from the wooden strip. The cord, fastened from the wooden strip to the gourd, is stretched so tightly into the shape of a bow.

The player holds the instrument on the ground by placing one leg across the log between the resonating gourd and the wooden strip. Lute konting, khalam, and the nkoni - The lute, originating from the Arabic states, is shaped like the modern guitar and played in similar fashion.

It has a resonating body, a neck, and one or more strings which stretch across the length of its body and neck. Nkoni West African plucked lutes include the konting, khalam, and the nkoni. Kora - The kora is Africa's most sophisticated harp, while also having features similar to a lute. Its body is made from a gourd or calabash.

A support for the bridge is set across the opening and covered with a skin that is held in place with studs. The leather rings around the neck are used to tighten the 21 strings that give the instrument a range of over three octaves. The kora is held upright and played with the fingers.

African kora 4. Zither - The zither is a stringed instrument with varying sizes and shapes whose strings are stretched along its body. Among the types of African zither are the raft or Inanga zither from Burundi, the tubular or Valiha zither from Malagasy, and the harp or Mvet zither from Cameroon.

Raft zither 49 All rights reserved. Zeze - The zeze is an African fiddle played with a bow, a small wooden stick, or plucked with the fingers. It has one or two strings, made of steel or bicycle brake wire. It is from Sub-Saharan Africa. It is also known by the names tzetze and dzendze, izeze and endingidi; and on Madagascar is called lokanga or lokango voatavo. Aerophones Aerophones are instruments which are produced initially by trapped vibrating air columns or which enclose a body of vibrating air.

Flutes in various sizes and shapes, horns, panpipes, whistle types, gourd and shell megaphones, oboe, clarinet, animal horn and wooden trumpets fall under this category.

Flutes - Flutes are widely used throughout Africa and either vertical or side-blown. They are usually fashioned from a single tube closed at one end and blown like a bottle. Atenteben Ghana Fulani Flutes Panpipes consist of cane pipes of different lengths tied in a row or in a bundle held together by wax or cord, and generally closed at the bottom. They are blown across the top, each providing a different note. Horns - Horns and trumpets, found almost everywhere in Africa, are commonly made from elephant tusks and animal horns.

With their varied attractive shapes, these instruments are end-blown or side-blown and range in size from the small signal whistle of the southern cattle herders to the large ivory horns of the tribal chiefs of the interior. It releases a mellow and warm sound that adds a unique African accent to the music. This instrument, which comes in a set of six horns, reflects the cross of musical traditions in Africa.

Today, the kudu horn can also be seen in football matches, where fans blow it to cheer for their favourite teams. Reed pipes - There are single-reed pipes made from hollow guinea corn or sorghum stems, where the reed is a flap partially cut from the stem near one end. It is the vibration of this reed that causes the air within the hollow instrument to vibrate, thus creating the sound. There are also cone-shaped double-reed instruments similar to the oboe or shawm.

The most well-known is the rhaita or ghaita, an oboe-like double reed instrument from northwest Africa. It is one of the primary instruments used by traditional music ensembles from Morocco. The rhaita was even featured in the Lord of the Rings soundtrack, specifically in the Mordor theme. Whistles - Whistles found throughout the continent may be made of wood or other materials.

Short pieces of horn serve as whistles, often with a short tube inserted into the mouthpiece. Clay can be molded into whistles of many shapes and forms and then baked.

Pottery whistles are sometimes shaped in the form of a head, similar to the Aztec whistles of Central America and Mexico. African whistle 5. Trumpets - African trumpets are made of wood, metal, animal horns, elephant tusks, and gourds with skins from snakes, zebras, leopards, crocodiles and animal hide as ornaments to the instrument. They are mostly ceremonial in nature, often used to announce the arrival or departure of important guests.

In religion and witchcraft, some tribes believe in the magical powers of trumpets to frighten away evil spirits, cure diseases, and protect warriors and hunters from harm. These are mainly used to provide rhythmic sounds, which are the most defining element of African music. Africans make musical instruments from the materials in the environment, like forest areas from where they make large wooden drums. Drums may also be made of clay, metal, tortoise shells, or gourds. Xylophones are made of lumber or bamboo, while flutes can be constructed wherever reeds or bamboo grow.

Animal horns are used as trumpets while animal hides, lizard skins, and snake skins can function as decorations as well as provide the membranes for drum heads.

Laces made of hides and skins are used for the strings of harps, fiddles, and lutes. On the other hand, bamboo was used to form the tongues of thumb pianos, the frames of stringed instruments, and stamping tubes.

Strips of bamboo are even clashed together rhythmically. Gourds, seeds, stones, shells, palm leaves, and the hard-shelled fruit of the calabash tree are made into rattles.

Ancient Africans even made musical instruments from human skulls decorated with human hair while singers use their body movements to accompany their singing. Modern Africans make use of recycled waste materials such as strips of roofing metal, empty oil drums, and tin cans. These people, bursting with rhythm, make music with everything and anything. At present, new materials that are more easily accessible, such as soda cans and bottles, are becoming increasingly important for the construction of percussion instruments.

Some rhythmic instruments like scrapers, bells, and rattles also provide the pitch and timbre when played in an ensemble to provide contrasts in tone quality and character. What are the classifications of African music? What are the characteristics of each classification of African music? Name some African musical instruments under the following categories: a. Describe how African musical instruments are sourced from the environment.

Give examples. Sometimes called Latin music, it includes the countries that have had a colonial history from Spain and Portugal, divided into the following areas: a. Brazil At the same time, because of the inter-racial cross breeding and migration, the above- named countries were also somewhat commonly populated by five major ancestral groups as follows: a.


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